Making the right hiring decisions can be difficult, but the system behind VZLA serves to keep the process as simple as possible. Most businesses aren’t yet using tech to inform their recruitment strategies, but the technology behind VZLA is nonetheless being used around the world to make hiring choices easier and more accurate. Whether you’re sceptical or simply curious, you might be wondering where this technology comes from and how it functions. Let’s explore, then, how the systems behind the tech we use has evolved since its origins in the early 1990s.
Harrison Assessments
Developed by Dan Harrison, PH.D., the eponymously-titled Harrison Assessments was founded in 1990. The goals of the company have stayed consistent to this day, in helping companies operate more efficiently through their deep understanding of human resources and psychology. The tools they’ve developed, such as Paradox Technology and Job Success Formulas, are the most trusted and accurate in the industry, serving to aid managers throughout the entire HR process, and ultimately boost productivity and profitability. Since their beginning 30 years ago Harrison Assessments has expanded significantly, now with representatives in upwards of 50 countries.
Diving further into the technology
What makes the technology work so successfully, is its advanced AI and machine learning algorithm. With the ability to cross reference and adapt its algorithm in real time, Harrison Assessments’ software is able to take full advantage of its extensive database. While the foundation is nonetheless built on an amalgamation of expertise in HR and psychology, the technology can continue to evolve to suit the times. This provides the algorithm with the ability to recognise the job roles needed in a digital world, as well as an ever-expanding understanding of the behaviours that suit them.
Behaviours, not personalities
It’s the focus on behaviour that makes Harrison Assessments’ technology stand out above the competition, and what psychological basis of the software is built upon. While personality assessments might have immediately come to mind, measuring behaviour is a much more accurate metric to use for job positions. Personality tests are too reflective of the biases we have of ourselves, and the results given can fluctuate significantly depending on when the person taking them does so. Our behaviours can change too, but tend to be more set in stone. This is why a test of behaviours gives a better gauge of job suitability than personality, and since we are unaware of 90% of them, Harrison Assessment tests are much more able to overcome our personal biases to give accurate results.
The tech VZLA uses is widespread for a reason, and we’re always glad to hear how helpful our clients find it to be. If you’re interested in being able to make simpler and more accurate hiring decisions, then you can get in touch today for a free demonstration.