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Are you using the right tools to scale your staff?

You need the right tools to get a job done properly. If you’re trying to hit a nail into a wall with a screwdriver, you’re not going to get anywhere. The same goes for promoting or hiring new staff: if you’re not using the right tools, you’ll find all your hard work will be in vain. There’s a lot of costs associated with bringing a staff member into a new role, and afterwards you’ll be looking to recoup that investment through their contribution to your business. However, if you hire the wrong person you’ll inevitably lose out on that investment when they underperform or resign.

If you’re not using the right tools - you’re losing money. You need reliable tools that are consistent and proven to work. Let’s explore why so many psychometric tools fail to stack up and what the alternatives are.

The Problem

When bringing a new employee on board, you’re making a gamble that you’ll profit from your investment in them. From the start, you’re not just paying for their salary, but their pension and national insurance - not to mention the equipment and training they’ll need to do the job. If you’ve hired an employee through a recruitment agency, that’s another 20-30% of their final salary. These costs should be worth it - provided you’ve hired someone who will stick around a while and be productive for your business. If not though, you’ll lose out on a lot of money that could have been better spent on bringing in the right person from the start.

The Wrong Tools

You’re probably already aware of some ways to identify the right candidate for a position. You need a strong understanding of their strengths and goals, while promoting their development through feedback and support. Many psychometric tools are offered as a way to accurately determine what drives an employee, but few succeed in their objective. The most common among them tend to be personality tests.

In some ways, the widespread adoption of these assessments have made them victims of their own success. For example, the questions are structured in such a way that it’s easy for people to simply look online to find “right” answers for the job they want. However, a more significant problem arises with trying to use them for recruitment. Since they’re not designed with employment suitability in mind, the traits they measure aren’t applicable to it. This issue is further compounded by the fact that they measure how the person being assessed sees themselves rather than the reality of what they are. As a result, despite their widespread use, they remain imprecise and ill-fitted to that function.

The Right Tools

So, while psychometric tools do give an insight, it’s one that’s flawed and poorly matched to employment requirements. Our questionnaire, on the other hand, is job specific and job predictive. It provides genuine insight into an employee’s behavioural, environmental and task preferences while showing how directly they align with the requirements of their job role. While we are unaware of 95% of the behaviours we exhibit, they are integral to the way we govern our lives. A concrete understanding of a person’s behaviours, alongside their beliefs, reveals a lot about how they approach their work.

Designed specifically for application in the workplace by Harrison Assessments, our questionnaire is used worldwide by small, medium and large enterprises alike. Through job specific formulas and a ranked question set that’s difficult to cheat, Harrison’s system offers a reliable metric to scale any workforce successfully. By empirically testing for each candidate's suitability to their job, it can overcome the problems faced by other Psychometric tools and accurately predict the level of job success and failure of each individual.

If you need a way to scale your workforce successfully and want to ensure you hire the right candidates from the outset, get in touch now for a free demonstration.

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